
CITP Conference on Global Internet Interconnection

Frist Multipurpose Rooms A-B

This CITP conference will present a mix of technical and policy perspectives on interconnection. We will explore the ongoing (and forthcoming) technical developments in Internet interconnection and explore how these and other developments relate to the increasingly colorful and nuanced regulatory and policy questions in this space.

Law and Technology Lunch Time Series: Online Privacy in Europe Versus the United States

Robertson Hall, Bowl 001

Food and discussion begin at 12:15 pm. Open only to current Princeton faculty, fellows and students. Please RSVP here. Co-sponsored with the Woodrow Wilson School and the Program in Law and Public Affairs Panelists: Sharon Goldberg, Associate Professor of Computer Science, Boston University Joel Reidenberg, CITP Fellow, Stanley D. and Nikki Waxberg Chair and Professor […]

CITP/CDT Workshop in D.C.: Understanding Technical Aspects of Broadband Privacy

Center for Democracy & Technology 1401 K Street NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC, United States

CITP and the Center for Democracy & Technology invite you to attend "Understanding Technical Issues in Broadband Privacy," a lunch workshop on Tuesday, May 10, 2016, where technologists will discuss technical issues in broadband privacy alongside policy experts. There are a number of technical topics that are important for the policymaking community to understand in order to effectively weigh in on these issues. Key technical topics include the role of device, software, and network identifiers as personal information, the role of encryption in limiting what ISPs can access, and how network inspection technologies such as deep-packet inspection (DPI) may factor in.

Join a group of technical and policy experts to discuss these issues from a diverse set of perspectives in a mini-workshop environment, where we will first educate you about each technical topic and then offer perspectives from industry, academia and civil society.

Speed Test Hackathon

Sherrerd Hall, 3rd Floor Open Space

The hackathon will begin with a technical overview of the speed test platform as well as a preview of a related new system also coming soon. We will determine what features to hack on and split into teams that will focus on each feature. This may range from data export and analysis functions, to improved measurement accuracy, latency under load measurement, and more.

CITP Luncheon Speaker Series: Nick Feamster – Dissecting the FCC’s New Rules on ISPs and Customer Privacy

Sherrerd Hall, 3rd floor open space Princeton, NJ, United States

Last week, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released new rules that govern how and under what circumstances ISPs can share consumer data with third parties, including advertisers, third-party service providers, vendors, and security researchers. Researchers at Princeton CITP provided significant input into the rule, particularly on points relating to encryption, network traffic monitoring, privacy and de-anonymization, network security, and the use of network data for networking and security research. I will first present a brief history of the rulemaking and offer my perspective on and first-hand experiences with the FCC's rulemaking process. I will also discuss some of the highlights of the rule itself, as well as its bearing on various stakeholders, including consumers, ISPs, and networking and security researchers. I’ll conclude with some thoughts and lessons learned about my experiences as a (rare) technologist in the world of tech policy.