Working at CITP

Office Information A-Z

Business Cards

If you’d like to order business cards, you can do so on the Print and Mail Service website. Please contact Laura or Jean for the chart string to pay for the cards.

Covid 19 Information

Please visit the Princeton Covid Resources website for the latest information on vaccine and testing requirements.

Contact Information – Important University Services

  • Public Safety – 609-258-1000 or 8-1000 from your office phone for non-emergencies, i.e., if you are locked out of your office or the building. If you have any emergency, please call 911. Dialing 911 from a cell phone or from a campus phone will connect directly to the Public Safety Communications Center. The center will receive information regarding the caller and their location, and this will significantly speed the response for assistance.
  • Princeton Service Portal is your one stop shop for most of your university needs. This portal includes forms and information for finance and payroll, travel and expense, health and wellbeing, academic & research support, international resources, account access and security and academic & research support, just to name a few of the resources available here.
  • Facility Work Orders – 609-258-8000 or 8-8000 from your office phone. If your office is too hot, you have a light out, the toilet is overflowing, or there is any kind of building issue, please call in a work order. Jean will be happy to do this for you if it is during the work day.
  • The OIT Help Desk – 609-258-HELP (4357) or 8-4357 from your office phone. The OIT Help Desk is available to help you with any technical issues with your passwords, office phone, email, server/connection, Princeton program problems, etc.
  • Emergency Management and What To Do – In case of an emergency on campus, such as an active shooter, criminal activity, hazardous spill, etc. please see the emergency management website for information. TigerAlert is an emergency notification system that allows authorized Princeton officials to send news and instructions simultaneously to individuals through landline phones, cellular phones, text messaging and e-mail. Here is more information on the CITP and Sherrerd Hall Emergency Action Plan.
  • University weather alert hotline – 609-258-SNOW.
  • Princeton University Office of Communications – Please review the Princeton Editorial Style Guide. This guide helps University communicators follow a style that is consistent and appropriate for print and online materials written for and about the University.
  • Inside Princeton – This is the University’s Intranet site with a myriad of information for faculty and staff. You will need to log-in with a Princeton email address to access this site.

Email Listservs

CITP has several email lists that you will automatically be added to so you can stay informed about our news, events, and internal communications. If you would like to join any of our reading group lists, you can find more information about those email lists here.


CITP does not have a fax machine, but Jean can provide information regarding faxing if needed.

Grant Applications

As a visitor/postdoc, you may apply for outside grant funding for your research needs, but it needs to be done through the proper channels and all grant applications must be processed and approved by the Office of the Dean of Research. Generally postdocs cannot be PIs, so an approved CITP faculty/staff member will need to serve in this capacity. Only the Dean of Research can accept awards. Please discuss all grant requests/applications with Laura before applications are submitted and leave time for the approval process to be completed (ideally at least two weeks).

Holiday Schedule and University Hours

The yearly holiday schedule can be found here. Normal working hours during the academic year are 8:45 a.m. – 5 p.m. The summer work schedule is 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. and begins the Monday after commencement and ends the last week in August before Labor Day.

Kitchen Facilities

CITP has a refrigerator, microwave, toaster and several coffee/tea makers for your use. The refrigerator is primarily for storing food and beverages for CITP functions. Lunches may be stored in the refrigerator. For the benefit of everyone, we ask that you clean up thoroughly after using the kitchen, as our building services person will not clean appliances.


Please address all mail and packages to:

Your Name

Center for Information Technology Policy

(insert office number) Sherrerd Hall

41 Olden Street

Princeton University – EQuad Loading Dock

Princeton, NJ 08544

If you are ordering something from Prime the location is SEAS15.

Incoming mail will be placed daily in your assigned mailbox. There are two outgoing mail bins in the mailroom: one for campus mail and one for postal mail. Mail usually arrives/departs around 10 a.m. Please see Jean for more information about mail services. There is a US Post office at 259 Nassau Street.

Notary  and Passport Services

TigerCard Services provides notary and passport photo services for current full-time Princeton University student, faculty and staff members.

For information on obtaining a U.S. passport please visit the U.S. Department of State Passport website.

Office Supplies

Please see Jean for basic office supplies that are not in the mailroom, as most of our supplies are kept in the cabinets in her office. Jean can also purchase any office supplies you need. Please note Princeton is sales tax exempt and the Princeton Marketplace should be used if the item is available on that site.

Organizing Events

If you’d like to organize a CITP event, please contact Tithi for approval. Once approved, Jean can help organize your event.

Pet Guidelines

These guidelines are intended to consider the health and safety issues surrounding pets in the workplace, as consideration needs to be taken for people who may be allergic and/or afraid of animals. These guidelines do not apply to service animals.

  • Pets are not permitted in labs, common areas or shared office spaces. Only individuals with private offices may bring their pets to Sherrerd Hall. If you have an official support animal and are in a shared office, please talk to Tithi or Laura about requesting an official accommodation.
  • Except when entering or exiting the building, your pet should be contained in your individual office at all times.
  • Walking with your pet throughout the hallways should be limited to entering and exiting the building only.
  • Your pet should be on a short enough leash that it cannot rush, attack, panic, nip at, or in some other way harm others. Pets should be well-behaved and not aggressive toward others.
  • Princeton law says that dogs must be on leashes. New Jersey law mandates the leash must be no longer than eight feet long, and the dog must be under your control at all times.
  • Roaming throughout the building on or off a leash is not permitted.
  • Please be sure to clean up after your pet.


Instruction on how to connect your device is on the bulletin board in the mailroom, or you can contact Laura or Jean and they will you send instructions. The printer/copier features include: color/black and white copies, collating, stapling, and scanning. Please note we request that you make sure your print default is set-up is to black and white copies. Feel free to print in color when needed. If you have any issues connecting to the printer, please email .


The Princeton Postdoctoral Council (PDC) aims to serve Postdoctoral Fellows, Postdoctoral Scholars and Research Associates at Princeton University by aiding in their professional development, fostering a sense of community and identity, and enhancing the quality of the postdoctoral experience. Please see their website to join the group and for more information about their events and collaborations.

Research Expense Accounts/Reimbursements/Purchasing

If you are given a research/travel expense account and/or have been approved to purchase items/travel on behalf of CITP, please make sure you read the following information thoroughly:

  • The center and the University’s administration (the Office of Finance and Treasury and the Office of the Dean of Faculty) reserve the right to deny any expense reimbursement requests if we feel they do not align with CITP policies and the University’s guidelines, policies, and procedures. Please contact Laura if you have any questions regarding potential reimbursement issues. CITP may be stricter than University guidelines on some items due to stewardship of gifts and grants.
  • All reimbursements must be done through Concur, which is Princeton University’s travel and expense program. You must have a Princeton netID and password to login, and set up a profile. Please designate Laura Cummings-Abdo as your Expense Delegate and Expense Approver. (Please note both designations are now required for a report to be approved, as Laura must be able to see and edit all reports. Laura can help you set up your Concur account.
  • University affiliates may not pay for guest reimbursements on their personal credit card and then request reimbursement for that person. All speaker/guest travel expenses must be vetted through the University.
  • The University has a Marketplace and it encourages all faculty, staff and visitors to go to it first to purchase items before looking at outside vendors. You must login to Prime to access the Marketplace. Please note that Amazon has been added to the Marketplace in fall 2023, and the University will not allow personal reimbursement for Amazon charges; you must use the Marketplace to purchase anything from Amazon. 

Expense notes:

  • The University requires receipts  for expenses of $50 or more. Photograph or scan these receipts and attach them to your expense report in Concur. CITP may require receipts for expenses less than $50, please see see below.
  • CITP does not generally reimburse fellows for meals between other University affiliates (faculty, staff, fellows, students, etc.) even if you are discussing business (unless it is an official center sponsored event).
  • All meal receipts need to be detailed receipts, and not summary credit card receipts. Please note that alcohol alone will not be reimbursed, but is allowable if it is included in a group business meal. Individual meal costs should stay in accordance with the GSA guidelines for the city one is visiting, but please keep all receipts. Further, if a conference provides meal(s), reimbursement cannot be requested for that meal, even if the meal was not utilized.
  • When traveling to/from NJ/NY area airports from the Princeton area, the most economical ground transportation should be used whenever possible, which is NJ Transit, as it operates 21 hours per day. If you choose to take an Uber/Lyft to the airport, you will only be reimbursed for the amount it would have cost to take NJ Transit, unless you have a special circumstance and get prior approval and/or document the issue. The total cost for a NJ Transit train from Princeton to the Newark airport is $21.25 as of January 2022. If you use an Uber/Lyft to go to/from your home to Princeton Junction, please upload that receipt.
  • CITP will pay for economy airfare, one bag and all reservations should be made 14 days in advance, if possible. Most upgrades and onboard Internet will not be reimbursed unless approved in advance. Further, when traveling internationally all federal grant paid flights must comply with the FlyAmerica act. You can easily see if your flight is in compliance, as the Princeton shield will be to the right of the flight information.
  • If reimbursement/travel expenses are requested for attendance at a conference, the conference link or program must be provided when requesting reimbursement.
  • Please make sure you are specific and fill out the information for the business purpose for each expense. For example, if you are requesting reimbursement for breakfast, the expense category is Individual Meal and the business purpose would be “breakfast.” If you are taking ground transportation from the San Francisco airport to your hotel, the business purpose would be “SFO to hotel.”
  • Software for home computers may not be purchased with research account funds. The University owns rights to most but not all software.
  • Any hardware items purchased using any type of Princeton funds (expense, research, travel funds, and including laptops, iPads, etc.) must be returned to CITP at the end of your appointment period, as all equipment purchased with University funds is the property of Princeton University.
  • You are required to submit a Concur report for any expenses you have incurred the previous month. All expenses must be substantiated via a Concur expense report within 60 days of being incurred, or the reimbursement may be subjected to personal tax.

For more information on Princeton’s expense policies, please refer to the Finance and Treasury website.

For more information about using your CITP research/travel account for business travel, please refer to the University Travel Policy or contact Laura Cummings-Abdo with any questions or concerns.

Room Reservations

Please email Jean to be added to the CITP room reservation calendars or if you need to find other space on campus for meeting/conference needs.

Sales Tax Exempt

Princeton is sales tax exempt and the policy can be found here. We should make every effort not to pay sales tax to vendors, especially in New Jersey. This does not generally apply to out-of-state travel or conference expenses, but it does apply to general office purchases and/or in-town purchases. We are asked to use Princeton Marketplace for all purchases whenever possible. This includes using W.B. Mason over Amazon for office supplies, although we do have sales tax exempt status with Amazon. Please see Jean or Laura to help with any purchases using University funds.

Slack and Zoom

CITP has Slack channels that we use in a variety of ways to communicate. Use of Slack is by invite only, so please contact Laura or Jean to be added.

When using Zoom you should connect through Princeton’s version. Please click here for more details. If you are using Zoom from another institution, you may have limited capabilities.

Telephone and Voicemail

Most (but not all) offices at CITP have landline phones but are not set up specific to individuals who share offices. To call out using a University phone, dial 9 and then the number. To dial within the University dial 8 and then the last four digits of the phone number.

If you have an individual office, Princeton University has adopted the Microsoft Unified Messaging (UM) service, and it can bring together your voicemail, email, and calendaring functions along with other beneficial features.

You can set up your telephone and voicemail preferences online. You will need your netID and password to access the site. You can also set up your preferences at your phone. If you have questions or need help with UM you can 1) send an email to , 2) call Telephone Support at 8-HELP, Option 4, or 3) contact Laura, who is CITP’s telephone coordinator.