
Matthew Salganik: The (Un)predictability of Life Outcomes

127 Corwin Hall

This talk is sponsored by the Politics Department. Researchers have long theorized about the processes through which family background and childhood experiences shape life outcomes. However, statistical models that use data on family background and childhood experiences to predict life outcomes often have poor predictive performance. In this talk, we present results from three interrelated […]

CITP Special Event: Tech In Conversation: Imagining Radical Tech Futures

Hybrid event

While scholars often examine the ways in which technologies fail and marginalize communities, this event focuses on an equally critical goal of adopting an abolitionist mindset – one that simultaneously asks how can we build new and life-affirming systems, while tearing down others that inflict harm. This panel brings together three technologists engaged in the exploration of generative, creative and justice-oriented interventions to improve the relationship between technology and society — specifically, developing alternatives to violent and discriminatory systems. We look forward to a lively discussion about each of their approaches to designing radical tech tools for social change, and expanding our own imaginations around the future of tech.

This event is the first in our Tech in Conversation series at the Center for Information Technology Policy. This series aims to spark conversations about tech and society across a wide range of disciplines; from cybersecurity to designing radical games to community technology initiatives. We'll host speakers with experiences outside of academia - those working in the field, in policy, on social media, at the grassroots, in art, in community - and engage them in conversations that are relevant and accessible to a wide community of people.

CITP Special Event: Regulating Data-Driven Decision Making

CITP co-hosted an invitation-only interactive workshop with the State Center to assist consumer protection authorities understand how they can use technical experts to investigate complex data-driven systems in furtherance of their mission. The workshop included over 35 lawyers from 24 states along with federal consumer protection authorities. Director Chopra of the CFPB, and Commissioner Phillips […]

How Digital Policy Impacts Diversity and Access in Communities

Co-sponsored with SPIA. The SPIA Leadership Through Mentorship Program hosts influential policy leaders, practitioners, and advocates for visits at the School. They attend classes, have meals with students, and conduct office hours. Occasionally, these guests give lectures open to the public. Dr. Carla Hayden was sworn in as the 14th Librarian of Congress on September […]

The Future of Global Digital Governance 

Robertson Hall, Arthur Lewis Auditorium

The digital domain is fast emerging as a new landscape of global competition and conflict. The benefits of digitization have been immense, but so have the harms -- rampant disinformation, privacy violations, cyberattacks, and the worsening of inequalities, to ...