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Thomas Lowenthal – Tor and Online Anonymity: How I Protect Privacy, and Why You Should Too

Thursday, February 17, 2011
12:30 pm


Sherrerd Hall, 3rd floor open space
Princeton, NJ 08544 United States + Google Map

Food and discussion begins at 12:30 pm. Everyone invited.

Tor is the most sophisticated and best-researched online anonymity system in the world. Tor relies on a host of volunteers to host the large network which makes this global anonymity system work, and I’m one of them. Tune in to learn more than you ever wanted to know about the Tor project, threats to online anonymity, and what you can do to mitigate them. I’ll discuss my experiences running a Tor “exit node” at Princeton University, and some of the challenges and rewards of doing so. You’ll also learn how you can help the Tor Project by contributing to the network, and some neat research problems that we still need to solve before we can make online anonymity ubiquitously accessible.


Thomas Lowenthal, an Undergraduate Fellow at CITP, is concentrating in Politics, with Computer Science, and Information Technology & Society certificates. He specializes in online anonymity, priviacy, and identity management; secure and authenticated communications; and bittorrent technology and culture.