The TechEd Reading Group discusses pedagogy, curriculum, and diversity and inclusion topics in technical and scientific education, including traditional technical education strategies, integrating policy/ethics into technical curricula, policy issues surrounding technical education, and ethical issues in existing and innovative educational methods.
Our reading group is open to graduate and undergraduate students, CITP fellows, and faculty: everyone with an interest in technology education and policy or educational innovation
We’ve created a global community, Remote Academia, to support educators transitioning to online learning. For more information, visit our website here and check out our Slack workspace and set of resources!
TechEd is excited to feature a special guest! Kevin Lin, an Assistant Teaching Professor at the University of Washington, will join us to discuss two of his recent publications on critical analysis and design justice in CS ed.
The first is Do Abstractions Have Politics? Toward a More Critical Algorithm Analysis (4 pages, presented at RESPECT 2021), which introduces a new kind of algorithm analysis based on critical methods.
The second is CS Education for the Socially-Just Worlds We Need: The Case for Justice-Centered Approaches to CS in Higher Education (6 pages, to be presented at SIGCSE TS 2022), which argues for justice-centered approaches in higher education with a case study of a new “Critical Comparative Data Structures and Algorithms” approach.
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