1:30 PM – Lecture by Stefan Popoveniuc, of George Washington University.
2:15 PM – Demonstration of the Punchscan/Scantegrity voting system
Abstract: Through the novel use of invisible ink on election ballots, a practical enhancement for increasing the integrity of any optical scan voting system is achieved. Voters mark ballots just as in conventional optical scan but using a special pen that develops the invisible ink. Verifiability of election integrity is end-to-end, allowing voters to check that their votes are correctly included (without revealing their votes) and allowing anyone to check that the tally is computed correctly from the included votes. Scantegrity II works with either precinct-based or central scan systems.
The talk will present Scantegrity II from both the voters’ and the election officials’ point of view, as well as compare it with the voting systems that are currently used in public elections.