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CITP Reading Group: Security and Privacy – Behind the Tube: Exploitative Monetization of Content on YouTube

Tuesday, July 12, 2022
10:00 am - 11:00 am


306 Sherrerd Hall

“Behind the Tube: Exploitative Monetization of Content on YouTube” by Chu, Arunasalam, Ozgur Ozmen, and Celik.  The authors take a look at “exploits” related to YouTube monetization, including buying/selling accounts, bots to raise view/subscriber count, in-content deception/scams, content theft, and sketchy affiliate practices including revenue theft.

The Security and Privacy Reading Group is for those who want to read recent papers in security and privacy. Our goal is to understand the state-of-the-art in digital security and privacy. Papers can include the latest conference papers and influential papers. We’ll maintain a broad definition of security to encourage diversity of ideas and cross-talk between disciplines.

Please contact Sarah Scheffler at  for further information and to receive the Zoom link for the meetings.

Click here for information on all of the CITP Reading Groups.