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Law & Technology: Challenges to Democratic Institutions: Andrew Appel – The Insecurity of Electronic Voting

Monday, April 24, 2017
12:15 pm


29 Robertson Hall
Robertson Hall Princeton University
Princeton, NJ 08544 United States
+ Google Map

Audience: Princeton University community only

The second in a series of workshops exploring how technological developments may unsettle foundations of American democracy. Each session features a scholar who will explain the challenge and lead a discussion of exploring the dimensions of the problem and possible solutions.

How did Americans vote in the 19th century, in the 20th century, and in the 21st century? Andrew Appel will describe public elections as a problem in protocol design, illustrating the evolution of voting technology as a search for solutions to this problem, and explain the implications for the security of 21st-century voting machines and what it means for the prospect of Internet voting.

Co-sponsored with the Program in Law and Public Affairs