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CITP Reading Group: Works in Progress – Anne Kohlbrenner – Methods for Studying Users Online

Wednesday, April 13, 2022
11:00 am - 12:00 pm


306 Sherrerd Hall

Anne will be discussing an early-stage project on methods for studying users online. Researchers and publishers currently have several methods for studying the sites users visit and their actions on those sites, and each comes with its own set of inaccuracies and tradeoffs. This project aims to study many of these methods and compare them to our new platform and toolkit (Rally and WebScience) and to gold standards where available. We’re hoping this will allow us to validate our new measurement methods and to determine where existing methods succeed and fall short. This project is still in progress, so we are definitely looking for feedback!

This reading group is open to any Princeton affiliate, including faculty, staff and undergraduate and graduate students. To receive the Zoom link to join the WiP Seminar please contact Ben Kaiser atÂ