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CITP Reading Group: TechEd – Pedagogy, Policy, and Potpourri

Monday, May 3, 2021
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Benjamin Xie, PhD candidate at U Washington, will discuss How Data Can Support Equity in Computing Education, his recent article in ACM XRDS Magazine (Winter 2020).

Join the meeting here.

Data has historically been a tool of oppression. But if we consider how its interpretations and uses affect minoritized groups, data-driven tools could support diversity, equity, and inclusion in computing education and beyond.

The TechEd Reading Group discusses pedagogy, curriculum, and diversity and inclusion topics in technical and scientific education, including traditional technical education strategies, integrating policy/ethics into technical curricula, policy issues surrounding technical education, and ethical issues in existing and innovative educational methods.

The reading group is open to grad students, CITP fellows, faculty and undergrads: everyone with an interest in technology education and policy or educational innovation.

To keep up with TechEd meetings and discussions, join our mailing list!

For more information please contact Ross Teixeira at or Anne Kohlbrenner at