CITP will not host a seminar today.
CITP will not host a seminar today.
CITP will not host a seminar today.
During the 2023 UN General Assembly, the international community rallied around the concept of digital public infrastructure (DPI) as the way to make up progress on the Sustainable Development Goals. Though there is not yet consensus on the definition ...
In her research, Liaqat ask how we can reimagine the role of technology in fostering social knowledge-sharing experiences. To this end, she designs social computing technologies to help people create, collaborate, and connect. This talk will provide an overview of these three dimensions ...
According to the US National Security Agency, we’re living in the “golden age” of signals intelligence—the spying on worldwide communications of all kinds. The Snowden documents, now in the public eye for about a decade, revealed a surveillance apparatus of ...
After increasing rapidly over seven years, the number of active contributors to English Wikipedia peaked in 2007 and has been in decline since. A body of evidence will be presented that suggests English Wikipedia's pattern of growth and decline appears to be ...
At the University of Washington, we have been studying online rumoring for more than a decade and have had a front row seat as misinformation—and its more nefarious cousin, disinformation—have grown and metastasized within social media ...