
Law and Technology Lunch Time Series: Online Censorship

Robertson Hall, Bowl 001

What is the current state of internet accessibility, and what technologies and policies can help protect international security and human rights in this area? Censorship -- and other forms of interference and control of the internet -- poses technical, legal, and political questions both when trying to assess the extent of the problem and when deciding how to react to it.

This panel is the second in a series of lunch-timers on law and technology. Each program explores the current state of an emerging technology and the legal, policy, and ethical considerations that stem from it.

CITP on the Road: Nick Feamster – Global Measurements of Internet Censorship

The Center for Democracy and Technology 1401 K Street NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC, United States

Over the past four years, we have developed a collection of measurement techniques to surmount the limitations of these conventional approaches. In this talk, I will describe three such techniques: (1) Encore, a tool that performs cross-origin requests to measure Web filtering; (2) Augur, a tool that exploits side-channel information in the Internet Protocol (IP) to measure filtering using network-level access control lists; and (3) a tool to measure DNS filtering using queries through open DNS resolvers.

CITP Luncheon Speaker Series: Jonathon Penney – Chilling Effects: How Laws and Surveillance Impact Us Online

Sherrerd Hall, 3rd floor open space Princeton, NJ, United States

In this talk, Jon will draw on his recent research, including his doctoral work at the Oxford Internet Institute, to help fill in some of the gaps in our understanding of chilling effects online. Through discussion of surveillance/regulatory related empirical case studies, including one on involving Wikipedia traffic and another “comparative” survey-based study, Jon will offer insights on these and other questions: What is the nature and scale of regulatory and surveillance chilling effects online? Do they persist or are they merely temporary? What factors may influence their impact?

CITP Luncheon Speaker Series: Erik J. Olsson – Does Google Read our Minds? Personalized Search, Filter Bubbles and Democracy

Sherrerd Hall, 3rd floor open space Princeton, NJ, United States

A popular belief is that the process whereby search engines tailor their search results to individual users, so-called personalization, leads to filter bubbles in the sense of ideologically segregated search results that would tend to reinforce the user’s prior view (filter bubble hypothesis). Since filter bubbles are thought to be...